
SD Transport Route Determination

1. Get Shipping point from TVSTZ table by Shipping Cond. of Customer:Ship-to and Loading Group
of Material:Sales Data.

2.Get the country (ALAND) and Departure zone(AZONE) from TVST table  by Shippping point acquirred from step 1.

3.Get destination country(LLAND) and Transport.zone(LZONE) from  KNA1 by customer:ship-to.

4.Get Actual route(ROUTE) from TROLZ table by
①Country(ALAND) and Departure zone(AZONE) acquired in step 2,
②Shipping Cond (VSBED) of Customer:Ship-to,
③Trans. Group(TRAGR) of Material:Sales Data
destination country(LLAND) and Transport.zone(LZONE) of Ship-to acquired in step 3.



Customer Characteristic

  Characteristic Descriptions are stored in the table - CABNT - Language - SPRAS - Characteristic description - ATBEZ Characteristic Values ...